Interesting Case
Here's an interesting, quick-hitter of a case to review from another doc...
- 3 yo male presents s/p first-ever sz
- Generalized tonic-clonic sz for 5 minutes
- No fever prior or after
- No significant PMHx
- No trauma or meds (was at daycare) and it was witnessed.
- Pertinent findings:
- Pt w/ his gaze towards the right without regard for anything in his left visual field
- LUE/LLE paralysis
- + Babinski on left
- Pt fussy and crying
- All other findings unremarkable
- Obviously mass or space occupying brain lesion would be a consideration
- Meningitis/encephalitis possible (not febrile and not acting ill before hand but you have to consider it)
- It should not be a vertebrobasilar dissection based on neuroanatomy
- Pt was maintaining his airway and RSI held
- The doc appropriately (in my mind) gave an initial dose of decadron (for either encephalitis, meningitis or neuroedema)
- Stat CT head
- Labs (usual)
- LP
- CT head negative
- Labs unremarkable
- LP: 100 RBC, 5 WBC
- Pt's course showed gradual improvement (not completely) of paralysis and neuro deficits
- Pt was transferred to PCH (just done yesterday so final dx pending)
- My thoughts on this case is that the doc did everything appropriately. I bet the final diagnosis is...
Todd Paralysis
- S/p seizure activity
- It consists of focal or unilateral paralysis or neuro deficit after seizure activity, lasting up to 48 hours.
- There is no specific treatment for it (just to r/o other specific causes)
- Sx's resolve on their own (as it appeared to be in this child)
I personally harassed the treating doc (rhymes with mattison) that it was a weak admit.
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